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We know that each and every project and production is unique and has its own special content and 

framework. Thats why we offer various licensing options for our library. from individual 

musical pieces to general inclusive licenses.


Our licenses complement licenses between broadcast networks and copyright management organizations and enable you to use broadcast and distribution types not covered by these licenses, any where around the globe,

according to the type of  license you have purchased:


  •  Regular license – for use in any territory, TV, V.O.D., Internet and mobile.


  •  Extended use license - for use in any territory, any media and any broadcast type.


  •  Presentations, promotional and corporate productions licenses.


  •  Licenses for advertisments.


  •  For large projects and broadcast networks we offer various blanket licenses,                            that along with other tools on our  website, will cover you for all aspects related to music in your project.



Our licenses do not replace licenses between broadcast networks and copyright management corporations

and do not prevent users from using those licenses in as much as it covers required  uses or the option to contact these organizations directly. 

Please notice these comments:


  • Licenses listed above do not constitute any obligation or contract.


  • License content should be read carefully


  • The use of musical tracks without having a valid license is illegal


  • Use of musical tracks MUST be reported to copyright management corporations also for extended licenses users



Prices are calculated according to the license you have purchased and only for actual use of the tracks in the project.


You have complete freedom to listen, consider, adjust and make the music as precise as you like.


At the moment, Payment can be made by contacting us directly:



  • Tel: 972-3-5251151


We will be happy to assist you ,creating your perfect soundtrack.


Muzicwise Team

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